Show NUMBER for G force
Thomas W Durick
Those of us with Tesla Insurance get rated on G-force associated with aggressive turning and braking. Trying to estimate the actual G-force generated while turning or braking from the super small graph is of little value. We need INSTANT EASY TO READ NUMBERS of our lateral G-force and braking force. This would be quite popular for those with Tesla Insurance.
Teslogic Inc
Added G-force number to the selectable metrics on the main screen.
Cristian Fattinnanzi
It would be much more accurate, right! The maximum data could remain displayed until the speed returns to 0, or for a few more seconds.
Thomas W Durick
Thank you! This will be a HUGE selling point for the thousands of folks with Tesla insurance! I will bang the drums for you!
Teslogic Inc
Teslogic Inc
Hi and thank you for the request. G-force in numerical format will be available for adding to the main screen along with other customizable values.